Life Groups

Life Groups offer the opportunity to meet together in smaller groups throughout the week to share life, build deeper relationships and support each other in our walk with God.

For more information please see the details below and if you would like to attend a group please speak to a member of the Leadership Team.

The Word

1st & 3rd Thursday, 10.30am-12.30pm

Host: Janet Tunstall

The Word and the Spirit are a powerful combination! After some refreshments we read a passage of scripture and then allow Holy Spirit some time to speak to us through the passage. We then share what we feel the Lord has revealed to us.


7-9pm, 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month

Host: Sally & Jutta

A group for anyone interested in finding out more about the Christian faith or looking for answers to life's BIG questions such as... 'What happens when I die?'  'Does God have a plan for my life?' 'How do I get to know God?' Come along, make new friends and ask your questions. Each session will have a theme which we'll explore together using the Bible as our guidebook and true life stories of those who've made this leap of faith.

Worship Focus

7-9pm, 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month

Host: Ken & Linda Joslin

What is worship? Spend time exploring what it means to worship through a mix of teaching and time together in His presence.

Bible Discovery

2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7.30-9.00pm

Host: Graham & Jo Macpherson

We love to come together to study the word, seek revelation and pray through what God reveals to us. This group is very much about 'iron sharpening iron’ where everyone is valued, encouraged to be actively involved and given space you use their gifts and skills to bless the group.